When Should You Check Your HVAC System?
Perhaps you already guessed that the ideal moment for HVAC service is right before the seasons when it is used the most. This means that fall would be a good time to call HVAC contractors to check on your heating systems. On the other hand, a great time to check your AC is in spring. Consider that these are low seasons for HVAC companies, so they’re more likely to be free from emergency calls and bulky work, and you can find more flexibility in their schedule.
One aspect that is even more predominant than the season in which you hire a heating and cooling services, is how often you do it. The perfect maintenance frequency for your HVAC service is once a year. Whether you have a central AC or a furnace, it’s important to check each on a yearly basis. However, if you own a heat pump system in constant use, you might want to have it checked every six months to avoid costly HVAC repair.